Authorized Support & Service Center for

Virtually Any Computer Brands

A Reliable Source for the Latest Hardware and Software

Stepping into California Computer is more than just entering a computer store; it's stepping into a world of unmatched computer hardware expertise and cutting-edge technical solutions. Our devoted computer repair workforce 是我们在不断变化的科技领域保持领先地位的纪念碑吗, 作为一家顶级电脑零售商,我们在过去20多年里共同创造了出色的业绩记录.

我们的商店收集了大约50个尖端的乐投letou下载,供您观赏, 我们的大量库存提供各种可靠的品牌选择,以满足任何偏好, 完美地捕捉了一个包罗万象的PC商店的精髓.

Beyond just the products we offer, 我们非常乐意将我们广泛的技术专长转化为我们尊贵的客户的切实利益. This sets us apart from the typical computer PC store. 加州计算机公司将满足并超越您的期望, whether you're looking for the ideal laptop, exploring cutting-edge smart devices, looking for immersive digital displays, or boosting your network infrastructure. 你的技术要求不仅会得到满足,而且会被超越, 感谢我们全方位的客户服务和我们对乐投letou下载的关注, smart gadgets, digital displays, and network equipment. 乐投letou下载公司是PC商店的巅峰之作, so come experience the synergy of knowledge, talent, and greatness for yourself.

At California Computer, 我们只储备最好的电脑零件,并雇用该领域最优秀的技术人员. Whether you are in need of repairs, 为你的新兴科技公司准备的设备,或者你只是想要 replace your old laptop, our team is always ready to serve your technology needs.

Laptop with Person Holding Coffee Cup

Laptop & Gaming Computers Distributor

我们是新制造和翻新乐投letou下载的经销商, gaming computers, tablets, and Apple products, 自豪地为客户提供各种高品质的选择,以满足他们的喜好和预算.

Our selection of refurbished PC computers, laptop products, 配件展示了我们对可持续发展的承诺,并使关心环境的客户能够做出明智的技术决策.

我们定期更新我们的库存,以确保我们的客户有机会在乐投letou下载的最新进展, gaming computers, tablets, and sought-after Apple devices. 我们这样做是密切关注保持领先的技术趋势.


你现在的乐投letou下载或台式电脑是否开始运行缓慢或不可预测? Has the battery life deteriorated so it doesn't hold a charge? 或者你的需求发生了变化,你只是想要一台配置更好、功能更强的新机器. Whatever the reason, 现在是把你用过的电脑换掉升级到更好的电脑的好时机.

At California Computer, 我们让您可以轻松地交易旧乐投letou下载或台式电脑,并将其价值用于新机器. 我们接受所有主要品牌和型号的乐投letou下载和台式电脑的以旧换新, regardless of age or condition. Even if it's broken or so old it has little monetary value, we'll take it off your hands for free recycling.


Advantages of Trading in Your Existing Laptop, PC, or Mac

在你的电脑上交易,而不是试图自己卖掉它有一些很大的优势. 你可以节省时间,因为你不必处理分类广告、与陌生人见面或运送物品. 我们也会比你独立销售它所能得到的更多. 我们的评估师通过评估产品来确定公平市场价值, model, specs, age and physical condition.

我们将提供一份价值交易的免费报价,您可以用它来购买全新的电脑或配件 such as memory cards, hard drives, and more.


Don't Wait for Your Computer to Stop Working

不要等到你的电脑完全停止工作后才考虑升级. 趁它还有价值,在问题出现之前把它卖掉. 浏览我们从顶级品牌的新乐投letou下载和台式机的广泛选择,找到完美的替代品. Configure it with the exact specs and features you want. Then use your trade-in credit to lower the price.

Trading in your old computer is eco-friendly too. 我们确保以负责任的方式回收设备,使电子垃圾远离垃圾填埋场.

Man Working on PC Computer Networking

Network and IT Management

我们的商店是一个乐投letou下载服务中心,满足大多数电脑品牌的网络和IT管理要求. 在我们知识渊博的技术人员和IT专业人员的帮助下, we provide effective, 专门的解决方案,处理当代技术的复杂性.

我们的乐投letou下载服务中心超越了基本的维护,以确保您的设备和网络系统的功能没有任何障碍,以支持您的技术抱负, whether you're looking for diagnostics, repairs, or optimization services.

Two Men Looking at Drives & Working Inside of Data Center

Sonicwall as Firewall

By utilizing a firewall in your network, 您可以为您的数字基础设施提供一个强大的防御层, 防止恶意流量渗透和损害其设计保护的关键资源. 这一重要的安全步骤不仅加强了您网络的完整性,而且还保证您的数据和敏感信息免受在线威胁.

通过正确实施防火墙策略,确保网络的不间断和安全运行, 它创造了一个主动的屏障,不断发现和消除潜在的危险.

Featured Product & Computer Accessories Category

探索我们精心挑选的联想高级台式电脑,将改善您的计算体验. We provide a wide range of Lenovo desktop models, laptops, 和ThinkCentre电脑,竭诚追求品质和性能,以满足您的各种需求, 无论您是寻找强大工作站的专业人士还是寻找无缝多媒体功能的发烧友. 了解我们收集的最佳联想计算技术如何结合可靠性, beauty, and cutting-edge features to perfection.